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The Few Activation Code And Serial Number


Updated: Nov 28, 2020

About This Game Take command over RAF during the WW2 history turning point, the Battle of Britain! The goal of the game is to defend Great Britain against German bombing raids. The game has two distinct gameplay experiences where: * The player manages war production and squadron placement * The player organizes patrol routes and tactics Once combat is initiated the player can lead their squadrons to attack waves of German bombers utilizing simple touch or mouse commands. The game follows the historical timeline very closely, but at the same time - the game mechanics are easy to learn (yet hard to master) and it provides great entertainment for both seasoned and novice players. * There are 8 aircraft types in the game - including of course the famous Supermarine Spitfire! * Every pilot is earning his own experience - witness your rookies become aces! * Manage the British war machine - decide what should be built and where * Fight epic air battles! * Lead English, Polish, Czechs, Canadian and New Zealands squadrons to fight for freedom! The game implements ‘German Command AI” which results in each campaign playing out differently. No two games will ever be the same. b4d347fde0 Title: The FewGenre: StrategyDeveloper:BlackMoon DesignPublisher:BlackMoon Design Release Date: 18 Jun, 2014 The Few Activation Code And Serial Number As it stands I heavily advise AGAINST buying this game for several reasons.1 - You can lose all of the pilots in a squadron simply because they're too terminally stupid to make the decision to bail out themselves and it's often an impossible task to hit the bail out button the game gives you in the *tiny* window of time available to you to do so while the pilot's plane is under fire.2 - Withdrawing is not an option, say your pilots have stripped away the fighter cover for a flight of bombers but are in no shape to carry on the fight? Tough. It's very much the stalinist approach of victory or death, if you go back to the map you're left at the tender mercies of the auto-resolve system (which will happily let four bombers wipe out a squadron) or you're forced to fight on and risk losing all of your pilots to problem #1. (Yeah having to tell your guys to bail out is irritating.)3 - No big wings. The 'big wing' was a tactic in which several RAF squadrons would group together to engage enemy attacks together, it took time to set up but it helped even out the numbers against massive German formations. This game does not let you do that and instead expects you to fight off dozens of planes with just eight of your own which leaves you at the mercy of problem #2 wherein you cannot withdraw should carrying on the fight become foolish which is particularly infuriating if you have another squadron or two nearby that could take over.4 - The voiceacting is terrible, I had to turn off the audio for the tutorial guy just because I couldn't stand the sound of the mans voice.5 - If you accidentally create a squadron at your airfield when that airfields squadron is in the air, tough luck. Doesn't matter that this new ghost squadron has no planes, you can't delete it, move it or do anything with it and you now have as many as eight rather expensive flying machines in the air that can't land because the airfield 'is full'. Despite the ghost squadron again, having no planes.If you have your heart set on this game wait a few weeks or even a month or two for some patches to come in, otherwise you're setting yourself up for an absolute pain in the rear.. As it stands I heavily advise AGAINST buying this game for several reasons.1 - You can lose all of the pilots in a squadron simply because they're too terminally stupid to make the decision to bail out themselves and it's often an impossible task to hit the bail out button the game gives you in the *tiny* window of time available to you to do so while the pilot's plane is under fire.2 - Withdrawing is not an option, say your pilots have stripped away the fighter cover for a flight of bombers but are in no shape to carry on the fight? Tough. It's very much the stalinist approach of victory or death, if you go back to the map you're left at the tender mercies of the auto-resolve system (which will happily let four bombers wipe out a squadron) or you're forced to fight on and risk losing all of your pilots to problem #1. (Yeah having to tell your guys to bail out is irritating.)3 - No big wings. The 'big wing' was a tactic in which several RAF squadrons would group together to engage enemy attacks together, it took time to set up but it helped even out the numbers against massive German formations. This game does not let you do that and instead expects you to fight off dozens of planes with just eight of your own which leaves you at the mercy of problem #2 wherein you cannot withdraw should carrying on the fight become foolish which is particularly infuriating if you have another squadron or two nearby that could take over.4 - The voiceacting is terrible, I had to turn off the audio for the tutorial guy just because I couldn't stand the sound of the mans voice.5 - If you accidentally create a squadron at your airfield when that airfields squadron is in the air, tough luck. Doesn't matter that this new ghost squadron has no planes, you can't delete it, move it or do anything with it and you now have as many as eight rather expensive flying machines in the air that can't land because the airfield 'is full'. Despite the ghost squadron again, having no planes.If you have your heart set on this game wait a few weeks or even a month or two for some patches to come in, otherwise you're setting yourself up for an absolute pain in the rear.. I was rather surprised by the relatively high number of negative reviews for a game I find so fun, so I thought I'd add my two cents:This game is a rather unforgiving but fun look at the Battle of Britain. First I'll look at the pros and cons, and then I'll give some tips that I've found helpful to ease the pain in the beginning of the game, because if you screw up in the beginning it can make the game pretty much impossible going forward.Pros: -The strategic and tactical gameplay are both challenging, but fun. On the strategic level, you can manage war production, which includes buying airfields, AA guns, factories, radar towers, airplanes, and the pilots. The money you earn is enough to buy the necessities for defense, but not enough to make the game easy. You're always having to prioritize, which I find fun and rewarding when done right. Even when done wrong, defeat never feels cheap, and you always feel as if it was more of a learning experience than a punishment.-The tactical gameplay is mosty fun (the parts that weren't so fun will be in the cons), and, for me at least, I never get tired of downing Jerries. Call me odd, but it gives me a strange sense of satisfaction when I shoot down German bombers, as if I'm saving the lives of actual civilians.-The stats are set up in a helpful way, helping you to keep track of your most experienced squadrons and even most experienced single pilots. This can be crucial. After all, if a huge stack of fighters and bombers is approaching, do you want to send out your veterans or untried rookies? On the other hand, you can send rookie squadrons to take out small stacks of enemies, giving them relatively easy experience points.Cons:-Certain elements of tactical combat can be frustrating. In particular, a high amount of micromanaging is required. This is normally not so bad, since you only control 8 fighters at a time. But when your fighters are engaged in a sprawling dogfight with enemy fighters, your own fighters are often slow to react without your direct intervention. This can lead to several of your fighters being shot down in a row before you have time to react, which is incredibly frustrating. Also, when they're tangled up in a dogfight, your own fighters and the German fighters look very similar, which adds an unnecessary layer of difficulty to fights.-When your fighters get to a certain level of health, they're given the option to parachute. But the health requirement for this is very low, so low that you'll often have less than a second to react before the airplane is destroyed and the pilot killed. Fortunately, you have the option to pause the combat at any time, but given how fast the planes can be destroyed, you have to have some good reflexes on that pause button.-On the strategic level, if you are on the ropes and German airplanes are pouring over the countryside, you're pretty much done for, since the bombers will almost always target your airfields. This can be frustrating since the bombers can destroy your planes faster than you can get them in the air, which wastes a lot of money and is just plain not fun. Even strafing runs by fighters can take out most of your planes and pilots on the ground.Overall, even though this game isn't perfect, it's still a tense, rewarding, and very fun rendition of the Battle of Britain. For 8 dollars, I definitely recommend it.Tips:-Always make sure to have at least two squadrons, and have at least one of them on the ground while the others are in the air. You might feel inclined to get as many fighters as you can airborne to patrol, and in the very earliest stages you can usually get away with this. However, if all of your squadrons are in the air at one time, then this means that they'll all be refuelling at the same time as well. So if bombers suddenly come to your airfields while you're refuelling, you may not get your fighters airborne in time to prevent them from being destroyed on the ground. So always have at least one squadron on standby to respond to threats like this.-Your fighters' guns have a longer range than the rear gunners on bombers, so feel free to attack them from behind, as long as you turn away before you get in range of the rear gunners. This can get you some easy experience points for rookies, assuming you've dealt with the enemy fighters first.-Get enough radar stations to monitor the southern English coast, but not so many that they overlap. This will allow you to wait to launch your planes until the enemy is actually coming without costing you too much money. What else should you spend that money on, you ask? Well, I'll tell you:-Buy plenty of AA guns. These can weaken tough units, and enemies will also try to fly around AA guns if they can, making their movements more predictable. Also, AA guns can actualy shoot down whole stacks of enemy fighters, letting the game deal with one of the most frustrating enemies so you don't have to.I'm sure there are other things you'll learn along the way, but I think the tips above will help ease you into the game withouth too much frustration. But still, some things can't be taught and have to be experienced. Or maybe I'm just feeling too lazy to keep typing. In any case, I hope more people will give this game a chance, and if my review convinces someone on the fence to do just that, then I'll be content.God save the King!. This game is so close to being good, but it falls short in a few ways that by themselves aren't a big deal, but together create a poor experience. Pros - A unique experience in PC gaming (for the most part).Interesting management aspectsCons -Poor and unresponsive UI and controls.There were 71 squadrons in the Battle of Britain. Of those, 2 were Polish. Yet in the 3 times I played the campaign, all my squadrons were polish, with polish names and voices. This is INCREDIBLY unimmersive. Oh and weird, the developers are Polish. I'm all for remembering their sacrifice and effort in the battle of britain, but not at the expense of the British.The game is not well explained to you. There's a short annoying tutorial, then some hints.The actual tactics of the game aren't that interesting, and can tend to be a little micromanagey. Overly so. The best tactics are all cheesey and gamey.It's repetitive. Fighting the same kind of enemies over and over.The sounds...mostly okay except the voices. There doesn't seem to be a way to turn them down in battle, so it's just listening to bad polish voice acting.I wanted to like this game, but ultimately I didn't. For a better Battle of Britain experience try the board game - RAF: The Battle of Britain 1940.. Really enjoying this game so far. Its a simple game to get into but the challenge it provides is what is going to keep me coming back. If you don't know what this game is about, here's a synopsis: You assume the command of the RAF during the Battle of Britain and are in charge of creating, maintaining, and deploying squadrons of Spitfire and Hurricane aircraft to defend airfields, cities, and installations inside of England to halt the Luftwaffe from gaining air dominance.. This is a challenging strategy game. It is well put together with very few bugs. If you like a military strategy style of game you will not be disappointed by "The Few". If you're a casual FPS style of gamer look elsewhere: You have to be patient and think to win this game. Even then its no guarantee. Solid Effort 8\/10.. Buy it! very good game , if you like the battle of Britian 1940, the pilot sounds during combat are classic, they yell and shriek , cheer and jeer,action is fast pace with fast forward button and AI on the 50 days mission is keen and plentifulI would like some more stats of individual pitlots and the ability to de commision squadrons , maybe choose the squardron from a list rather than be given one , I also would like to play German overall the Major gives it 4 of 5 stars. I actually looked for a game like this, but ... it's really extremely repetitive after only a few ingame days of play. That said, you can't even skip the repetitive part, because autoresolving battles will always inflict significantly higher losses on your squadrons compared to manual battles. Since you then need to rebuild planes, recruit more pilots etc, this would make you lose the game eventually, no matter how many planes and AA you build.Apart from a more sensible autobattle function, I'd like to be able to throw in more than just 8 planes. The AI can come up with like 36 per battle, why can't I when I do have the squadrons available?


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